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RadioShack Outlasted by Both Radios and Shacks

RadioShack announced yesterday that it will close 187 stores, meaning both radios and shacks will outlive it.

The company has been around for 96 years, having spent the last 95 slowly dying. Radio has thrived for 122 years, having been a platform for the likes of Larry King and Ira Glass. Shacks have existed for the last 400,000 years, providing invaluable shelter to the entire human race.

Boston Man Ready for 50 Minutes of Back-to-Back Classic Rock

After lowering his office blinds and tuning up his air guitar, Quincy building manager Nick Durden is ready for 50 minutes of back-to-back classic rock. “Hell yeah I’m ready for the hits,” said Durden in response to Terry Nowlin, WZLX’s Head Rockin’ DJ for the 10am to 11am time slot.