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Area Mom Wants You to Try Her Banana Bread

Before you settle in to play Call of Duty: This is Your Call to Duty with your best friend Jack, his mom would really like it if you'd try her banana bread.

The banana bread, which she made from a recipe on the Food Network website, has been cooling for the past half hour and is at the perfect tasting temperature. Speaking of websites, could you take your plate upstairs and see what's going on with that crazy computer? Jack's mom clicked on a link because she was lucky enough to be the 10,000th visitor that day but then a whole bunch of other windows popped up and the stress gave her a hot flash. It's not like Jack's mom is going through menopause, because she definitely isn't, but talking with Jack's mom might make her hot flash go away.

Don't worry about the dishes, Jack's mom will get them. While she's cleaning up though, she'd like to know if you're still seeing that nice girl from school and if you brought home any laundry that needs washing.

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