

and entering

Who Said It: Dean Khurana or Mulan?

When will my reflection show diversity in final clubs?

1. “Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?”

2. “The mask of perfection wears us down.”

3. “Who am I?”

4. “No-one knows who I am.”

5. “If I were truly to be myself, I would break my family’s heart.”

6. “You’ll die for honor.”

7. “We share the belief that we are here to do something together that none of us could do alone.”

8. “Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I’ve tried.”

9. “Just because I look like a man doesn’t mean I have to smell like one.”

10. “This requires reflection.”

11. “How I pray that a time will come when I can free myself from their expectations. On that day I’ll discover someway to be myself.”

12. “Each of us has the ability to complete our own creations.”

13. “Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time?”

14. “I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter.”

15. “Reflection.”



1. Mulan

2. Dean Khurana in his deep as the ocean Convocation address

3. Dean Khurana

4. Mulan

5. Mulan, the Dean’s family loves him unconditionally

6. Mulan

7. Dean Khurana

8. Mulan

9. Mulan, one can only dream this was said by Dean Khurana

10. Dean Khurana

11. Mulan, Dean Khurana doesn’t give a damn about their expectations

12. Dean Khurana

13. Mulan

14. Dean Khurana. Hahaha jk obviously Mulan

15. Dean Khurana, 24/7

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