THE SCIENCE CENTER — Cabot library Securitas guards will now check students’ pita pockets as they exit, Harvard revealed Tuesday.
The university had already announced the arrival of Clover to the partially-renovated Cabot Science Library, and the local chain restaurant specializes in vegetarian sandwiches and sides that are often made with pita pockets.
“We know it’s inconvenient for students, but we really have to ensure they’re not smuggling books out of the library,” said one Secuitas guard who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Pita pockets are yet another vehicle through which Harvard’s extensive collection of more than 18 million volumes could be compromised. If you're paying $7.50 for a sandwich, who knows what else you're capable of?”
Upon being asked whether pita pockets’ being too small to fit a book changes anything, the guard replied that they still had to check them anyway. "Few students steal books, but we have to be wary of re-pita offenders," added the guard.