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Food Literacy Project: "In Today's World, A Potato Needs At Least A College Education"

"Hey, Hamm. Look, I'm Picasso!"

Sandra Changas, President of the Food Literacy Project, spoke out Thursday against budget cuts targeting the FLP.

 “The Food Literacy Project has made great strides in educating produce, regardless of gender, creed, or color of peel.   And while crop-based literacy has been our foundation, it’s no longer enough: everyone knows that in today’s world, a potato needs at least a college education.”

Added Changas: “Literacy is a start, but ultimately we want to give these vegetables the ability to feed themselves, however perverse that may wind up being.”

 The Food Literacy Project, while largely seen as successful, has faced opposition from the very beginning, mostly from farmers.  

“It’s bad enough that they can read their contracts, but I’ll be damned if they start quoting Faulkner at me,” explained Steve Brunn, an Allston farmer. 

 But the Food Literacy Project has long sought to continue food education beyond basic reading skills, a dream first realized by giving soldering classes to batches of shelled peas.

 When reached for comment, a bag of russet potatoes lurched to the left, then spilled on the floor.  

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