CLEVELAND, OHIO — Law enforcement are still searching for the can of beef ravioli that escaped from a grocery store shelf seven years ago during a television commercial wherein a mother disallowed her little blonde daughter to take the infamous Chef Boyardee home for dinner.
The renegade Chef is shown on footage jumping three stories, rolling out of the facility, making a sick U-turn and outlasting a high-speed chase down the freeway (a recent article by E! News rumors that the movie Baby Driver (2017) was inspired by the event). The beef ravioli has been rolling across the country since, keeping his whereabouts a mystery to the public.
The most recent alleged spotting of Chef Boyardee was reported on March 12, 2019 by bystanders who witnessed a forceful machine drive into the Harvard Crimson building; they claim that he was the driver who fled the scene before police arrived. Before this, reported sightings were rare and often a bust, but the frenzy to find the can even permeated mainstream media as Spongebob Squarepants aired an episode in which Robot Krabs says, alluding to the case: “Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli."
Chef’s brother, Jeff Boyardee, just wants him home safely: “I never thought the last word I’d hear from him was SCREEECHVHHHHCHLKKK as he scraped down aisle 14.” To find the can alive, police are offering a reward of a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for Spam, which explains why the public has no sense of urgency in finding him.
The girl from the commercial, present-day Adele, declined to comment both on the ongoing case and the rumors of her upcoming single, Rolling in the Beef.
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