Make a cute collage
Take a long walk in the park
Knit matching sweaters
Casually email him houses you're looking at on Zillow
Sign up for a family phone plan
Tell him "Today it's okay, but next week let's start getting in shape for the wedding" when you see him reach for a slice of pie
Become besties with his Mom, Marla, a pharmacist tech
Wiretap his phone
Buy one of those rings made from human hair
Go to www.backgroundcheck.org to find out where Marla works to casually "bump" into her, and use the opportunity to ask probing questions about Josh's lovers (where they live, how they met Josh, if they made it past the coveted thirty-four day mark – this information is vital)
Buy neighboring grave plots
Donate 1.5 million dollars to Exeter
Donate 1.75 million dollars to Andover, too
Donate 2 million dollars to Brearley, just in case it's a girl
Stop. Breathe. (But then bottle it, and give it to him).
Get a tattoo of penicillin, Marla’s antibiotic of choice
Get close to Josh’s boss
Fuck Josh’s boss, but just for the plan
Convince Josh’s boss that the only way you’ll ever sleep with him again is if he fires Josh
Treat Josh to a special “I’m sorry you got fired” dinner
Plant tree nuts, one of his allergens, in this “I’m sorry you got fired” dinner in order to show that you have an EpiPen and are fully prepared to accommodate his dietary restrictions
Sleep with his boss one last time (for closure)
Send Marla a sex tape in order to make her feel included
Dub him a special edition of Marriage Story, but it’s just the part where they’re married and every single line of dialogue in the fighting scene is “I love you so fucking much, babe”
Start having protected sex because Marla sent you syphilis treatment after seeing the video
Change your middle name to Josh
Change your first name to Josh
Change your last name to Josh’s last name — only to make the paperwork easier, of course.
Marry his boss, only in order to divorce him, so you can say that you’ve always loved Josh
Buy one more grave plot, but we need it now.
Fuck it, fake a pregnancy scare