

and entering

Deans' List

This is also Dean! Hi Dean!

Spicy! Harvard has this semester's Deans' List early. Let's see which Deans have made the list it this time...


Dean of Freshman Thomas "Tommy Fresh" Dingman

Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana

Dean Thomas

James Dean

Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sausage

Dwayne "The Dean" Johnson

HUDS Five Dean Chili

Robert C. Camp, Dean of Eberly College of Business and Information Technology at The Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Aberdeen, Scotland

Paula Deen

De(a)natured proteins

Katniss Everdean


Dean Simmons


Leonardo DeanCaprio

Deances with Wolves

Deanonycé and Jay-Dean

Dean Martin


And that's it! Tough break for the Faculty Deans. Better luck next time!

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