

and entering

Marijuana Club asks Members to “Throwdown”

Charlie Davies '14, completes a comp task.

The Green Ganja Group, Harvard’s premier stoner club, is taking comps to a new level by requiring prospective members to throw down at least one ounce in order to join. GGG realizes that this requirement might prevent some students from joining, but they hold there are many other opportunities for students to get involved, on and off campus.

 “Let me be blunt,” said GGG member Daisy Hay, “We want to make sure new members know this is a joint effort. With membership limited to anyone who has weed, we want to people to be invested in the club.”

Members are allowed to throw down as much weed as they wish, with proportional results to how much they are willing to invest. In addition to the ounce, applicants are asked to provide a list of their pieces, best mac ‘n cheese recipe, and favorite Bob Marley song.

“I feel like this is just the beginning, we’re really planting seeds for the future,” said Greene

Green Ganja Group holds weekly meetings by the Charles River, on the farthest bench from the bridge.

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