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​Biden Cancels Upcoming Concert in North Carolina​

These posters have begun to spring up all over Greensboro.
GREENSBORO, NC -- Following the example that rock-and-roll legend Bruce Springsteen set last week, Vice President Joe Biden also canceled his upcoming concert at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Citing the state's recent "bathroom law" mandating individuals to use the bathrooms for the gender on their birth certificate, Biden felt he could no longer put on the show in good conscience.
"I was looking forward to launching my world tour in Greensboro, but I must stand in solidarity with those protesting this abhorrent bathroom law," said Biden. "[This announcement] is going to ruin the surprise for Jill. I had to tell her I was in top secret nuclear arms negotiations during band practice."
Biden and his band, The Amtrak Attack, had planned on playing a short set anyway. "Right now, we're essentially a Boston cover band," said the Vice President. "We're working our way through the discography. We were planning on closing with 'More than a Feeling.' It's a killer track!"
Luckily, Biden, who sings and plays the harmonica, plans on relocating the tour's launch to a different city. 
"We're looking at a few different venues. Finding the state with the fewest number of reprehensible laws is harder than you'd think."

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